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Assisting some dynamic women, to help those in need.


Dynamic Women for Children was founded in 2008 and are taking care of twenty-eight families that live in appalling conditions. 

Since 2012, twenty-two of the fifty children from age three to sixteen are learners in pre-primary and primary school. In October 2012, Dynamic Women for Children opened their very own Private Care Centre directly next to the school were after school care is given to these learners.


Initial Request

Dynamic Women for Children was founded in 2008. They are taking care of twenty-eight families that live in appalling conditions.
Since 2012, twenty-two of the fifty children from age three to sixteen of Plot 177 and Plot 101 are learners in pre-primary and primary school Kameelfontein. These children are transported to and from school. In October 2012, Dynamic Women for Children opened their very own Private Care Centre directly next to the school. After school care is given to the twenty-two learners. They receive a balanced lunch and can play for half an hour where after it is time for homework. A team of teachers volunteered to help the kids with their homework free of charge. At 16:00 it is bath time and 17:00 another meal is served before they are taken back to their parents.

Our focus is to get the children out of their impoverished circumstances and show them what a “normal” life is. We try to give them as much exposure as possible to get them to turn their heads and break the cycle of poverty.
During school holidays all fifty kids are full time at the care centre. We provide them with three meals per day. Take them on field trips and keep them constructively busy. The volunteer teachers help the children on an individual basis to get their schoolwork up to date and in line with the school curriculum.

Some of the learners that must enroll in high schools within the next two years will be taken to different schools and will stay part of the care centre until they complete their schooling.

Dynamic Women for Children are dependent on donors to operate the care centre. The biggest expenses are food and fuel to transport the children. Our current vehicle is too small to transport all the children. We desperately need a 30+ seated bus.
Currently the care centre property is not owned by Dynamic Women for Children. It is made available to us for use. My dream is to buy the property and then build a boarding school. I believe that if we can get the children out of there impoverished circumstances they will have a better chance to become independent, successful adults.
The successes of this project up to now have been phenomenal. All glory to God without whom Dynamic Women for Children will not be where we are today.

Visit our Face book page “Dynamic Women for Children” for photo’s and updates.
For any further information please contact me by email or phone.

Dynamic regards
Marleen van der Walt
(Managing Director)





Helping Lilly to fulfill her dream of becoming a teacher.


Annique chose to help Lilly with her outstanding class fees of

R8 700,00 and additional funds to the value of R6 300,00 for study needs. That's a total sponsorship of R 15 000,00.


Initial Request

Môre, ek is Bertha Myburg en 'n baie bekommerde ma. Ek kyk elke oggend jul program en dit is wonderlike werk wat julle doen. Dit gee mens weer nuwe hoop.

My dogter, Lilly, het van kleintyd af 'n droom om onderwyseres te word en met baie genade van Bo en hulp van ons kerk kon sy in 2012 begin studeer.

Met behulp van die Pres. Kruger Kinderhuis in Pretoria kon sy ook blyplek naby aan die universiteit kry.Sy het by die kinderhuis gewerk vir etes en verblyf. Nou het hulle egter die woonstel nodig vir die matriek leerlinge wat verder gaan studeer en kan sy nie meer daar bly nie. Gelukkig kon ons vir haar 'n woonstel teen 'n baie billike huur kry en ook in 'n veilige omgewing.

Ongelukkig kon ons vir verlede jaar nie stuidiebeurse of lenings kry vir haar nie en het die studiegeld ver agter geraak. 'n Bedrag van R17600 is nou agterstallig.

Haar registrasie moet teen 17 Januarie 2014 betaal word en voordat dit kan gebeur moet die agterstallige bedrag eers op datum gebring word.
Indien ons dit nie betyds betaal nie is my kind se droom iets van die verlede.In hierdie moeilike ekonomiese tye word dit al moeiliker om al die gate toegestop te hou.
Helpende Hand het 'n studielening(R15 000) vir haar beskikbaar vir 2014. Dit word gedurende April aan die universiteit oorbetaal. Dit kan ongelukkig nie aangewend word om agterstallige gelde op datum te bring nie.

My man het sy werk 6 jaar gelede verloor en ons maak staat op sy mediese pensioen en enige werk wat ons kan kry,om liggaam en siel aanmekaar te hou.
Ek doen stoffering van die huis af en enige naaldwerk vir ekstra inkomste. My man doen enige nutsman werk en ons bak ook pannekoek om die inkomste aan te vul. Verlede jaar het dinge ongelukkig nie mooi uitgewerk nie en kon ons nie alles bymekaar hou nie.

Baie dankie dat julle die versoek gelees het.

Bertha Myburg








Star student, Jessica needs just a little help, to be on her way.


Annique will sponsor Jessica with R15 000,00 to bring her class fees up to date and towards other expenses needed to be honored for her studies.


Initial Request

Dear Dianne

This is undoubtedly the most difficult mail I have ever had to write. I think this is the 12th attempt.
I have always provided well for my daughter Jessica and myself without any financial assistance from anyone.
Beginning last year I was made redundant from a very well paid job. I eventually found alternate employment but earning a third of what I used to.

Slowly the reduced income has started to take its toll. There is nowhere where I can cut any more costs. I can write a best-seller on how to survive with the bare minimum.

Jessica matriculated in 2012 and was an outstanding student. We looked at various options to further her studies and with the high costs of university fees, accommodation, books and transport, we decided that the cheapest option would be to study through Damelin. This allowed us to save on transport costs and accommodation. We tightened our belts, cut costs and with the little savings I still had, I managed to pay her studies for 2013. This was worth every cent as she completed her first year with 7 distinctions.

She enrolled for her second year and we were so positive that we would somehow manage to pay the costs for her studies, but …. Life happens and I have not been able to pay anything towards her studies apart from the registration fees. Soon she needs to write first semester exams, and yesterday we were told that if we don’t pay something towards her studies, she will not be allowed to write her exams. I am devastated!!!

Please, please, please ……. Do you have some funds available in your Good Morning Angels fund that can assist with Jessica’s tuition fees. R11 000-00 is required for her to write her exams in May – I do not expect you to pay the full amount, but every little bit will help!

I know there are people with much bigger problems and who are in more need of assistance than we are, but I am so desperate, I don’t know who else to ask for assistance.

I have attached a copy of the Damelin account as well as Jess’ results for 2013.

Kind regards,
Hester Venter



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