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Annique Essense Liquid Skin Nutrition 100ml

Price incl. VAT (15%) R44.22
Skin spray formulated to help eliminate skin impurities that may cause spots, pimples, blemishes, blackheads and white heads
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Annique Essense Liquid Skin Nutrition 100ml

Product Details
Brand: Annique Face Facts

Annique Essense Liquid Skin Nutrition is an effective and convenient skin spray formulated to help eliminate skin impurities that may cause spots, pimples, blemishes, blackheads and white heads.

Liquid Skin Nutrition aids skin cells to utilise nutrients better, cleanses pores deep down and promotes a clearer, spot free appearance.

It contains a sophisticated formula of essential nutrients (including BeauPlex™ a special compound of vitamins B3, B5, B6, C, and E) that support the skin in its own natural healing and regeneration process. Use the Liquid Skin Nutrition for any skin types with any range.

What are the Benefits of using Annique Essense Liquid Skin Nutrition :

  • Vitamin-enriched spray
  • Soothes skin
  • Cleanses pores
  • Eliminates skin impurities
  • Natural Healing
  • For all skin types

What makes this Annique Essense Liquid Skin Nutrition unique ?

  • Aids skin cells to utilise nutrients better
  • Promotes a clearer spot free appearance
  • Helps to eliminate skin impurities that may cause spots, blemishes, blackheads and whiteheads
  • Supports the skin in its own natural healing and regeneration process
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

How to Apply Annique Essense Liquid Skin Nutrition :

  • Shake well. Spray onto skin as often as eight times per day. Use after all other Annique skin care products have been applied. Spray at least five times per day in cases of skin itchiness.
  • 1-3 sprays over face, neck and décolleté
  • Use throughout the day
  • Can be applied over make-up

Key Active Ingredient :

Vitamin A

  • Antioxidant
  • Neutralises harmful elements on skin
  • Helps resist infection
  • Keeps skin youthful
  • For healthy skin
  • Prevents wrinkles

Vitamin B1

  • Stimulates blood circulation
  • Nourishes skin
  • Needed for energy production in cells

Vitamin B3

  • Necessary for cell metabolism
  • Helps to form hormones and proteins
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Helps treat skin ailments

Vitamin B5

  • Maintains moisture levels
  • Helps to regenerate broken skin
  • Stimulates cell growth and tissue regeneration
  • Stops inflammation

Vitamin B6

  • Essential element for normal cell functioning
  • Acts especially in the metabolism of amino-acids

Vitamin B7

  • Used in cell growth
  • Strengthens skin
  • For healthy skin

Vitamin B9

  • Ensures healthy cell division and DNA synthesis

Vitamin C

  • Aids in collagen (structural protein that helps support cell shape) and elastin (a protein that gives skin the ability to bounce back) synthesis
  • Provides antibacterial properties
  • Is essential in many biochemical processes in the body

Vitamin E

  • Provides protection to cell structure from free radical attack that may lead to tissue damage
  • Is moisturising, revitalising and provides anti-inflammatory effects Amino acids
  • Are natural components of the epidermis
  • Are the building blocks for all kinds of proteins Green Rooibos extract
  • Provides a revitalising, antioxidant function that protects against free radical attack
  • Anti-ageing
  • Aids in regenerating skin cells

Marula essential oil

  • Natural antiseptic
  • Helps prevent dryness, thereby improving suppleness of the skin Citroflavonoids
  • Improves micro-circulation
  • Limits inflammatory reactions

Frequent asked questions :

Q: What is Liquid Skin Nutrition (LSN)?
A: A vitamin and mineral enriched spray for your skin. It helps skin cells to utilise nutrients
better and cleanses pores deep down to prevent spots, pimples, blemishes, blackheads and white heads.

Q: What results can I expect from using LSN?
A: A clear, healthy, beautiful skin. LSN will help clear up problem skin and bring new life to
normal and dry skin types.

Q: Why is the LSN in a spray formula?
A: Spraying it onto the face and other areas is quick, easy and convenient. It also allows you to apply it over your make-up throughout the day.

Q: Why do I need to use LSN?
A: To preserve your beautiful young skin, to improve the general health of your skin and to help clear up problem skin.

Q: I take essential vitamins and mineral capsules daily. Why do I still need to apply LSN on my skin?
A: The skin is the biggest organ of the body. It receives vitamins and minerals last after all
the other organs have received their share. This means that if your other organs need these vitamins and minerals, the skin might not receive enough to support its functions. Spraying vitamins and minerals directly onto the skin allows it to get these directly.

Q: I use the normal Annique skin care range. Can I use the LSN in conjunction with this range?
A: Absolutely! The LSN will add boosting vitamins and minerals that your normal Annique skincare products won’t. These nutrients will improve the working of your other Annique products.

Q: Can I replace my Lucid, Hydrafine or Synergy Freshener with LSN?
A: No. The Fresheners are used to balance the pH of the skin after cleansing and to close the pores after all products have been applied. You can apply the LSN after your normal Annique creams, just before the Freshener.

Q: What is the difference between the a normal Freshener and LSN?
A: LSN is spray vitamins and minerals for your skin. Fresheners regulate the skin’s pH that keeps the skin’s immune system intact. This prevents skin problems, ageing and other skin ailments.

Q: Why is there no pH balancing product in the Face Facts range?
A: All the products in the Face Facts range are pH balanced and will not disturb the delicate pH of the skin.

Q: Does LSN replace any product in my normal skin care routine?
A: No. LSN is a completely new and different product to any other products in the Annique and Face Facts ranges. It will enhance the working of all your other nourishing and revitalising creams.

Q: Why is LSN also beneficial for mature skin?
A: As the skin matures, it loses its ability to function optimally. The skin also becomes
thinner, damages easier and its ability to heal itself diminishes. The vitamins and minerals in LSN will be absorbed by mature skin and allow the skin cell to function better, creating an improved appearance in the skin.

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